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Possibilities for student projects (BSc, MSc, Projektarbeit, lab rotation, ...)

We mainly offer topics from the area of algorithmic bioinformatics. These can range from more theoretical algorithmic questions to workflow development for specific bioinformatics applications.

Please feel free to propose and discuss your own topic with us.

You find most referenced student theses here: Otherwise ask.

BSc level

  • develop HOG-based ILP to compute shortest common superstring of given k-mer set and also minimize the run length encoding of the mask. See Problem: not all SCSs possible with HOG? miss important ones? Contact: Gunnar, Sara?
  • Using SAT to model first species counterpoint and compare to ILP implementation (Tanaka) Contact: Philipp
  • Integrate/Implement CP ILP Formulations as a stand-alone application that processes MIDI or as a plugin for the scorewrite software MuseScore (Tanaka) Contact: Philipp
  • Paper Dominik Heider do that with LOBICO (categorical classification, not binary)
  • Maximizing diversity for anticlustering (while keeping optimal dispersion). Keywords: ILP, R, C++, maybe preprocessing, maybe optimization with constraint programming. Contact: Khoa
  • “Continuous logical” formulas for regression to predict drug responses. Keywords: ILP, Python. Contact: Khoa
  • 3D-time-dose-response surface fitting and extrapolation, with focus on different time-response models. Keywords: Integral, Gompertz-Laird/exponential functions. Contact: My Ky
  • Implementierung und Vergleichen von Metaheuristiken für Maximum Diversity bei Anticlustering Contact: Nguyen Khoa Tran

MSc level

  • Vehicle routing problem for leaf optimization. Get Martin's code to run. Produce better pictures for Daan. Make modifications to speed up. Check if the model is good enough, adapt, … Contact: Gunnar
  • Data from Olga. compare molecular graphs. Contact: Gunnar
  • Further stuff Nan (new stuff on image analysis)

Other topics / No fixed level

  • Efficient heuristic or exact algorithms for circular sequence comparison in sub-quadratic time: Aligning bacterial genomes vs one another or reads of a circular genome vs a circular genome
  • SWGTS-Expansions: 1.) Add encrypted package transfer and key sharing for increased throughput/speed, 2.) Alternative Filtering Methods e.g. k-mer based filtering 3.) Metadata Managment System 4.) Division of long reads into segments ; Skills: Docker-Compose, REST, Encryption, Client-Server Architecture
  • An edge-based ILP for modeling leaf venation patterns (builds on BSc thesis Mario Surlemont). Contact: Gunnar Klau
  • ILP for Matrix Reordering Problem Contact: Nguyen Khoa Tran
  • Implement an algorithm to find active modules (average Heinz) by maximizing a fractional objective function Contact: Gunnar Klau
  • Spa-Typing and Flight Data: Collect Flight Data and Samples from Spa Database and look for Correlations (Check if a high volume of flights correlates to similar detected Spa-Types / Develop a framework to check correlation between flight volume and genetic information), Build on Ninas work, Contact: Philipp
  • Backport Sven's 0-Edge-CE-Heuristic into Yoshiko Main (and thus Cytoscape App), Contact: Sven, (Philipp?)
  • Projektarbeit, very unclear outcome: Decode Sequence Massive Attack
public/ba-themen.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 07:26 by spohr

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